'If you’ve been together a while, you’ll probably have a list of suggestions of things that they want. It's fine to get them something off that but you also have to think outside the box. That's the only way to make it a magical experience for them.'
Of course most partners drop hints - so make sure you listen.
If you're still struggling, take them shopping and make a note of what they like, or ask close friends and family for ideas.
Of course for some a gift that really matters is something that's wanted and perhaps wouldn’t otherwise be affordable, so just asking if they want a surprise or not may be the safest bet, says Helen.
Good gift ideas
Something handmade or baked; a personal IOU voucher - i.e. a massage/home-cooked meal/naughty treat etc; a book that you love and would like to share with them; an event/show tickets; a piece of art; cooking or craft classes; spa days; weekend away; gadgets.
Bad gift ideas
Novelty or joke items; chocolate, underwear and toiletries (too boring); gift vouchers; something from your local petrol station bought on Christmas eve.
Spend: £100-150 each
Of course a lot of what your budget is depends on your income, but the important thing is to set one - and stick to it.
'The pressure to make Christmas magical and give their precious darlings everything they want can be overwhelming, and some families find themselves in debt for a good part of the next year,' points out Diana Mather, an etiquette expert working with One4all Gift Cards on its gift-buying campaign.
'Children’s expectations should be managed and realistic guidelines drawn when discussing Christmas presents.
'Young children like to open big colourful gifts, and are often just as happy playing with the cardboard box as the gift itself,' she points out.
If there is something you simply have to buy your little one that pushes you over the spending limit, ask family to pitch in with the cost, Diana advises.
Give gift guides to family