
photo2:Snow big deal: Newlyweds Claire and Chris endure a blizzard in their enchanting wedding photo. 下雪这件大事——新婚夫妇克莱尔和克里斯在拍摄婚纱照时正逢暴雪,这也让照片更加迷人。

photo3:Bright horizon: A brewing thunderstorm provides the stunning background for one of the photos. 远方明亮的地平线——即将到来的暴风雨给婚纱照提供了非常震撼的背景。

photo4:A husband and wife brave the elements together as they hold hands in their dress and tuxedo, standing among rose petals and protected from the rain under a black umbrella. 这对情侣将所有元素结合在一起,身穿礼服的新人在黑色的雨伞的庇护下紧握双手拥吻在一起,周围散落着玫瑰花瓣。

photo5:Lit by a spotlight and protected under their umbrella, the husband and wife in this image share a kiss in the dark outdoors as snowflakes fall around them, giving the illusion of stars. 黑夜里新人伞下拥吻,在聚光灯的照射下,雪花给人的感觉就像星空一般。

photo6:A couple stand out in white against a dark and wet background in Kauai, Hawaii. 一对新人身着白色,在天黑欲雨的夏威夷拍摄婚纱照。

photo7:Not even snow can stop this bride and groom from sharing a tender kiss. 飘零的雪花也不能阻止新人夫妇温柔甜蜜的拥吻。

photo8:Mirror image: A wedding party made use of a storm by posing in the reflection made by a puddle. 倒影成像——巧妙地利用暴风雨后的水塘拍摄新婚派对照,让幸福的脸庞倒映在水溏中,真是别出心裁。
Many couples would be disappointed if their wedding day coincided with bad weather, but some have used the dramatic scenery as a stunning backdrop for photos。
In a series of images compiled by the Huffington Post, rain, snow, thunderstorms and clouds provide the background for newlyweds' striking wedding images。
Whether they're ducking under umbrellas or fully embracing the elements, the bad weather doesn't stop these couples from showing how happy they are to embark on the rest of their lives together。
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