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标签:手工皂坊日期:2016-02-07 06:44小编:WCCEO热度:


Experts reveal how to avoid embarrassment of buying the wrong gifts this Christmas

Christmas Day is for eating, drinking, watching bad TV - and trying to cover up your embarrassment as you realise your husband's Aunt Maude has spent her pension on your present while you bought her a set of hankies.


Present-buying can be a minefield; from how much to spend, to whether to risk surprising recipients with a gift they don't want, to knowing if you should buy your neighbour you only say hello to a little something.


Here, FEMAIL has asked experts including dating gurus and personal shoppers for their top tips on present-buying etiquette to ensure the only thing that's red this Christmas is Rudolf's nose.





Spend: New romance £20-50; long-term couples £100-£150


'If you've just started seeing someone you don't need to spend a fortune,' says dating guru James Preece ().


'It's much better to impress them with your imagination by choosing a gift that’s a little bit different. £20 is about the right amount, with a maximum of £50 if you can afford it.'


Or you don't even need to go that far, says relationship expert and founder of BeLoveCurious.com, Helen Rice. Plan to spend a romantic evening together or have a fun day out. Feel free to give the person you're dating something thoughtful, just don't spend a lot of money.'

“或者根本没必要想那么多。”人际专家、网站创始人海伦·赖斯(Helen Rice)说。“安排一次浪漫的晚餐或出去开心玩一天。随意送一些花心思的玩意儿给你约会的对象,只是不要花很多钱在上面。”

'If you're in a long-term relationship then your budget really reflects on your personal situation,' adds James. 'You don't need to go crazy, but it's a great opportunity to show you love and appreciate them.


'It's also best to buy a few cheaper presents rather than one big one. Part of the fun is the mystery and unwrapping, so it will last longer if you give them several to enjoy.'



Set a mutual budget


'For a new couple, a mutual budget is definitely a great idea,' says James. 'There's nothing worse than one of you going overboard when the other has done the opposite.'


He even points out that this is a good test to see if you have differing financial views.


'Some people are natural over-spenders and think that the more they spend then the more you’ll love them. If you aren’t in sync with your spending habits then it can spell problems further down the line.'


Long-term couples will likely already have an idea on what to spend, based on previous years and their financial situation - but it is still a good idea to set a maximum spending limit.


Surprise them


'Whatever relationship stage you are at, you absolutely do have to surprise them,' advises James.


'For new daters, show that you’ve been paying attention to their hobbies and conversations. If you remembered something small that they said, they’ll be flattered and happy you noticed.
